Thursday, June 30, 2016

Truth about Purgatory.

Today i want to direct your mind to an important matter,and i wish you would keep an open mind,am not here to make you change your believes,only to titivate your mind,i know many Christians have heard of this mysterious place called purgatory,in fact i believe,it was the roman catholic that conceived this doctrine,and according to them,it's believed that,purgatory is a place between heaven and hell,where some Christians undergo spiritual purification with fire,before they are allowed into heaven,and many Christians who are not Catholics now believe in it.
But the question is "is purgatory real?,or is it just a story told to the dying,to give them a peaceful exit.
When you read the bible to the end,you will find out that,there was no place in the holy book that purgatory was mentioned,i mean if it was really a place,someone would have talked about it in the bible,and the two recorded places after death in the bible,is Heaven and Hell.
But then i keep wondering,why would people believe in something that is not real?,it is said in the bible,that when we die,judgment follows,so this rightly means that,when you die,either you go to heaven or hell,so i believe some Christians should get their head straight,don't sin with the hope of,ending up in a place,where you will be purified,is either you go to heaven or hell,no second chances after death.
Sometimes being a christian does not mean you will be blind to an obvious reality,there is no place like purgatory,it is not an intermediate place after death,and it is not real,but as free humans,we deserve the right to believe in anything or any faith we choose.Everyday we live,is an opportunity from heaven to change our sinful ways,don't waste your time on this earth,believing in false doctrines or believes,no matter the religion,in this life we only have to believe in these:
  1. Love God.
  2. Love yourself
  3. And love your fellow human being.
Anyway that's what "Juliansaid",and i hope you gonna believe it.


Today i want to talk about a matter that really affects everyone,and that's gossip.Yesterday i had a session with a couple,and the problem was that the wife heard something rather unspeakable about the husband and she didn't confirm from the him to really ascertain if the information she got was legit,instead she swung into action,they've almost called it quits,but i had to try and savage the situation.
But the question i keep asking is,why do people engage in gossip?,everyday rumor always had it,i mean why has it become a thing?,everybody talking about somebody,nobody minds there business anymore,some big blogs and websites now make a living with gossip,whether is the truth or not,nobody wants to know,they don't care who it hurts.I have seen relationships fail because of gossip,i have seen patients depressed because of it,people have died because of it,and this habit is mostly exhibited by women,even though this days some men are not left out,but i believe this dreadful habit should be curtailed,and this can be achieved if the people involved in this act,will actually engage themselves in meaningful endeavors,because laziness,nosiness, joblessness,have be denoted as the main causes.So please it won't cost you anything to really mind your business,involve yourself in exercise,or maybe try reading books,it will take your mind off boredom,and remove you from the temptation of gossiping,and it makes you less human if you talk behind someones back.So please get your head straight,get a job,and get a life.Anyway that's what "Juliansaid" and i hope you gonna believe it.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

How to know your the Side Guy.

Ok i know majority of guys today don't care if they are side dudes,as long as they are getting their turn with the girl,so am writing this for the loyal guys out there who still believe in love.As much as there are side chicks,girls keep the most side dudes,but they just call them friends or besties,a girl can introduce two of her guys to each other like (hey baby meet my love or sweetheart meet my besty),the two unsuspecting guys will greet each other without knowing.These days some girls don't give their all in a relationship,because they feel that if the guy messes up they already got like bunch of guys waiting to take over.Anyway lets go over the little tips so you can know if your being played,

  • Firstly she won't lock her phone,but if you go through it,you will never see any messages from guys, only girls,even her social media handles you won't see messages,i mean if she ain't flirting with them she would comfortably leave them because no beautiful girl stays a day without getting at least one shout out from a guy.But whenever you mistakenly see a text from another guy she would still tell you is just a guy disturbing her against her will.
  • Because she has so many guys around she would never go for a stroll with you,she would always bring up excuses not to go out with you,because she wouldn't want to be caught off guard.
  • She's always demanding things,remember any girl that loves demanding money or material things will never be loyal to one guy.
  • She keeps ignoring some calls whenever she's with you,not because she doesn't want you guys disturbed,but she doesn't want to say the wrong things or pass the wrong message.
  • She takes too many pictures with guys and when you ask her she will just say they are just besties,or just work,or course mates.
  • She will never upload your picture in any of her social media platform,i mean if she's proud of you,she would flaunt you online and anywhere,cos that's how love works.But even if you force her,she will just write besty of life or she would write this new "i heart him so much",why can't she say 'i love you'.
  • Finally she cares little about you,i mean you've noticed that she can go a day without calling or even beeping you,even when you know you can't.She doesn't even respect you,she will nag you all the time cos she not afraid to loose you,she will not even introduce you to her friends because your not the one,shes just using you to pass time.
So there are still more ways to spot a cheating flirt,but if you notice any of this behaviors is best you have a talk with her,or better still just end the the relationship.These days,because of material things some girls don't care what they do to their bodies,they don't care who they cheat on,no loyalty.But i think guys should be blamed too,i mean some of this guys will know that the girl is dating,yet they will still pursue her,and entice her with money,and because most girls are easily fooled,they will fall,some guys may stop caring for the girl like they used to,that may push the girls into cheating.Please lets maintain our boundaries,if a girl is dating just let her be,and ladies please if your dating just stick with your guy,and if you don't want him anymore just let him know you want to break up,is more safer and better than cheating on him.Anyway that's what "Juliansaid" and i hope you believe it.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Gender Equality.

Everyday at least 93% of women around the globe are being discriminated,especially in Africa.Through the years women have been made to undergo certain hardships like Rape,imprisonment,and even death.They are our Mothers,our Daughters and our Sisters.We've seen over the years that women have proved to be more resourceful than what we perceived of them,some giant strides today are mostly done by the women,We as men should stop looking to women as the week link,we should stop insinuating that women are only good as housewives or for procreation.Today we see women presidents,and queens leading and guiding a nation,even in Africa we have seen that women can actually contribute immensely to the development of the country.Our mothers make sure that we are protected and taking care of even in perilous situations.Please lets try and respect and care for our women,because without them we will be nothing.Lets support Gender Equality today,and give our women opportunity to show us that they can be a driving force to the movement and development of the world.

I am Julian Stanley,and i support Gender Equality.

Monday, June 27, 2016

Fighting Depression.

Now we've all heard about what happened to Tiwa Savage and her husband Tee Billz,now what am mainly concerned about was what happened to her husband,it was rumored that he went to commit suicide when he heard what the wife did,but luckily he was saved by some good friends,now that's a clear case of Severe depression,right there,Lionel Messi lost a penalty for the first time in the just concluded 2016 Copa America,and he said he is retiring from international football.Depression can lead you  into doing stupid and irrational things that you never thought you could do.
In fact some people have some different other ways they use to handle depression.But lets look at what really causes this condition:
Now there are lots of things that can induce depression;
A bad breakup,The loss of a loved one,Bullying,Bankruptcy,Maybe you failed in an exam,etc.
Actually any bad life situation can trigger depression and can leave the patient in the state of,
Sadness,Helplessness,the patient feels Worthless,Empty,Hopeless,Guilty,Angry and Ashamed.They start to loose interest in some things that once made them happy,start removing themselves from social activities,starts to feel alone,Starts overreacting,and so on,from that moment their problems starts to overwhelm them,and they start indulging in things like:

  • Alcohol: patient feels that the only way to forget about the problems is by getting drunk.
  • Over eating: patient starts having eating disorders,which can be very destructive to the body,this situation can still be the opposite.
  • Suicide: as you all may well know some people just don't handle bad times very well,so they feel the only way to ease their pain is to just die and rest.
  • Murder tendencies,Insomnia and so on.
There are mild and severe depressions,but in any case this condition shouldn't be taking lightly,there are some ways it can be treated,clinical and non clinical ways,but the patient is advised to see a propfessional Psychiatrist who can actually ex-ermine them and give a proper prescribed anti depressant drugs,self medication is strictly prohibited,there are other measures like joining a support group of people with the same condition,or you can start to mingle,you can meet new people who can actually change your life.We know Life is not easy,there is always two sides of a coin,and sometimes we encounter some events that can really shake us emotionally,so is ok to feel sad and responsible,but don't let it control your life,don't let it ruin you.The greatest people in the world are the ones that always rise up whenever they fall.Be happy and remember in life we only live to learn.
Anyway don't forget to contact us through our email if you need someone to talk to,remember the first step to healing is acceptance,and when you can accept that you have a problem that is when a solution can be attained.

Some defects of Friend zoning.

Guys will always understand this situation better,the reason is simple,men can easily turn on their feelings towards a woman but women can't.A guy can be friends with a girl for as long as two days and he has already started plans on how to woo her,unless he's already dating,but if a woman ain't feeling you she can be friends with you as long as two to even ten years without remorse or even caring to know how your feeling about her, that's why is said that if a man cheats it can be understandable because men can easily get aroused,but if a woman cheats,it's intentionally premeditated,because a woman's feelings are not easily aroused unless she is really feeling you.Some girls go as far as telling the guy that she only sees him as a brother.
But the friend zone can really be emotionally destructive to some guys,they can't stand being just friends with a girl they love while shes busy dating other guys.These are some mishaps that can happen because of the friend zone:

  1. A friend zoned guy can die because of the emotional trauma caused by the girl,and this is worse because this girl will never see him in a romantic way.
  2. A friend zoned guy can start hatching evil plans for the girl,he may arrange for her to be raped.
  3. He may kill her because he believes if he can't have her no one should.
  4. Finally sometimes the guys the girl is dating might stand the risk of being in danger, because the friend zoned guy might harm them.
These are the ones i could come up with,the friend zone doesn't happen with girls only a guy can still friend zone a girl but is won't be as destructive as a friend zoned guy,but the bottom line is no one likes to be just a friend,and if you look at it from any angle,the friend zone is a bad place to be,and girls really need to be careful cos you don't know who you might hurt,you always complain that guys are heartless for breaking your heart but what about those guys you have comfortably friend zoned because you feel they are not your type,don't you know your breaking their heart.And guys please sometimes just tell her because you never know she might start noticing you romantically,everyone's feelings matter.So before you become friends with that new guy be sure of what he really wants and don't lead him on.Anyway that's what "Juliansaid" and i hope you gonna believe it.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Julian Said: The ideal woman that men love to marry.

Julian Said: The ideal woman that men love to marry.: Ok first of all a real man knows the kinda woman he wants and can see through any woman no matter how hard she tries to hide her true charac...

Julian Said: How to know your the side chick.

Julian Said: How to know your the side chick.: Am sure every girl would wanna know this,but the truth is,deep down every girl knows her place in a man's life,but some of them sometime...

How to know your the side chick.

Am sure every girl would wanna know this,but the truth is,deep down every girl knows her place in a man's life,but some of them sometimes choose to be blind,and also because of material things a lot of girls make themselves side chicks.When your chasing a married man because of money,do you expect him to leave his wife and children for you?,or when you leave your boyfriend and starts to chase after another dude cos he has money,do you think he will be faithful?,i mean he already knows your there because of his money.
Anyway here are some little tips you should look out for:

  • First of all he locks his phone and when ever you ask him to unlock it he will come up with excuses,so you already know if he has nothing to hide he wouldn't hide his phone from you.
  • Some guys won't introduce you to his friends or even family,cos they know your not the main one,even when you meet their friends they will find a way to make it snappy.
  • He always wanna meet you in his house but wont wanna take you to any popular places,or even take a street stroll with you.
  • He will never upload your pictures online,but when he does is either is your birthday or you forced him,and when you persuade him to put it,he may just write words like "i heart her so much" or "besty of life", i mean if your the main chick he would definitely say "I love you".
  • He wont call you much or even care much but be rest assured he will always give you money and buy you expensive things to make up for it.
  • He receives too many female calls and when you ask him he would say is just work colleagues,or if he's a student he would always say is just his course mates.
  • And finally when ever you guys argue he gets mad at you and scolds you like he's not afraid to loose you,at the end you will still have to say sorry.
Sometimes some men act differently to their side chicks,all you have to do is simple,start noticing the signs, don't let the money or the good looks blind you,at the end you will end up alone and booted because even if he breaks up with his main chick you will never be promoted,he will always find another person.every woman deserves respect so unless you've lost your self esteem don't let the men fool you.Anyway before you make a mess of your life ask yourself this "what would Julian say"?.

The ideal woman that men love to marry.

Ok first of all a real man knows the kinda woman he wants and can see through any woman no matter how hard she tries to hide her true character,so am not here to change your views of your kind of woman but just to solidify your believes.
And ladies you all are beautiful but if your character ain't on this list it means you have an ample opportunity to change your ways for the better,a guy can party with you,give you all the money you want,buy you everything you want,take you everywhere you wanna go,introduce you to his friends,but will never marry you,because you've portrayed yourself as a girlfriend material but not a wife.anyway lets go over the list:

  • Intelligent woman: beauty is good but if your a dummy no man will wanna marry you,they will only want to date and sleep with you cos you look good.A man wants a girl who is really smart and intellectually intelligent,who can really impact good knowledge to the children and can keep a safe house,a woman who doesn't depend only on the man to build a home.But mind you some men may find this kinda woman intimidating.
  • An Honest woman: men love women who are genuinely honest,who loves them truly,who can stick with them no matter the situation rich or poor,a woman who can support them,and not a materialistic  woman who lie a lot and keep secrets.
  • Hard to get: i know many girls play this game,even though some men these days hate it,because even if she agrees quickly or late, if shes got an ugly heart is not gonna last.but some men still find it adorable.
  • Wonderful woman: men love a woman who is willing to invest in them financially,this woman believes in their dreams and can really do anything to make them achieve their goals,men know that they can move mountains for them so they will always want to keep them as a wife.So if your in a relationship and you haven't invested in your guys dreams am sorry your dulling cos if he ever makes it big he will surely give you the booth. 
  • Dedicated woman: contrary to what some women believe Real men are always dedicated to their woman,so if you want him to marry you,you have to be genuinely dedicated as well,you don't have to depend only on him to be the spender cos that shows how shallow you are,and remember men hate shallow women,so you gotta be smart and make your own input to the development of the relationship.
  • Morally intact: men hate a loose woman, a flirt,a woman who has too many male friends,you don't expect a man to trust you when you keep a lot of men around,he will be too afraid to travel with you at home,and men hate that,so these means he can't even have his friends over or introduce you to any of his friends.Some men even see such women as insatiable which means your still searching,he wants to know that you got eyes only for him.Also you must know how to cook,cos is the secret to a man's heart,some women these days rely too much on fast food that they can't even cook,so if he notices that you can't cook that can really be a huge turn off.
  • Religious woman: a real man knows that only a religious woman can really know how to make a good home,a woman who can give him a good advice,a woman who can actually be respectful and can teach the children real home values.a woman who can be his second mother cos men love to be mothered.
  • Classy woman: men love a woman with class and not a cheap girl,a woman who dresses moderately and not one who dresses like a harlot,a presentable woman who he can introduce to his family and friends,a woman who can actually decorate and clean the house beautifully,not a dirty girl.So ladies please keep a good hygiene.
Anyway that's all for now, and really i hope you would read and learn a thing or two,is not too hard to live a principled life,because what ever life we are living today will be passed on to our future children,so lets set a good example today.And before you make that mistake ask yourself this 'what would "Julian say"?.

Friday, June 24, 2016

The art of Deception.

Everyone lies at least 3 or 4 times each day unless maybe your a monk,have always wondered what the first person that discovered the "LIE" was actually thinking about,before he got the idea to deceive,maybe he was a politician,but am very much confident he or she was a psychopath,oh wait!! you didn't know that if you can lie your a psycho?,well actually if you read my earlier article on Psychopaths you would understand that only a psycho can deceive another human being without remorse,people lie today just to get ahead,a musician will tell you she started writing songs when she was four and am like really!! have you even started talking well at four.
 do you know that Lies can kill?,when you lied against a man in court and he gets hanged,or taking to the electric chair,or maybe when you betray a friend and he or she dies of hurt.
In relationships today deception is now the main vibe,a woman can't even tell the man honestly where she been,who she been chilling with,or what she really wanna do with the money you gave her,even the men well don't get me started on the men,over the years some people have made lying a profession (Lawyers) and (Politicians),
But there are still some lies that can save a life,you can see that in a woman who has cancer who knows she barely got two months to live but tells her 4 year old son that shes gonna live forever,or when the doctor knows your wife is gonna undergo a big critical operation but tells you not to worry that shes got a minor situation,it's said that with great power comes great responsibility,yes!! lying is power,it can make two big nations go to war and can also install peace,it can make a poor man rich in fact 80 to 85% of men today made their money through deception,lies can kill and can also save lives,so we choose what we do with this power,and please if you must lie to your partner make sure is for a good reason and make sure they won't find out,lies begets more lies,but i will suggest you tell them the truth cos no one deserves to be deceived,stay true to yourself because some people lie so much that they forget who they really are,and if you don't feel good being honest then you have a problem and should book a session with a trained psychiatrist,anyway that's all for now and to be honest that's what "Juliansaid" and i hope you gonna believe it.

Simple tips to good eating.

Clean and good environment for cooking.
  • To be healthy the body needs at least 40 different kinds of nutrients which can be gotten from eating various kinds of food,now these foods help our body system to function very well,
  • Take more of carbohydrate foods,contrary to what you think more of it helps balance,foods like pasta ,and some cereals also increases fibre intake.
  • Then eat your vegetables,take fruits at least 5 of it everyday,i believe we all know that fruits are very much essential to our body,the vitamins helps in protecting our body.
  • Maintain your body weight to a minimal,stop eating too much food because when your overweight it increases the chances of diseases attacking you.but at the same time eat regularly and don't skip meals.
  • Take fluids,water is very essential,adults needs at least 1.5 litres of fluids everyday.
  • Engage in exercises that will help burn calories. 
  • Make your diets balanced and healthy that's just the aim,and watch your health improve.
anyway that's all for now though be happy and don't forget to stay hydrated.

Crazy thing about love.

Love is a beautiful thing but sometimes love can really be stupid,and literally so blind,i mean this is really wrong,

that's Heidi klum a super model and ex husband Olusengu adeola Samuel but we know him as Seal,well until the marriage ended they were so damn happy i mean you can see it in their eyes,but am like really?!!, are you guys not wondering how your kids gon look like in the future,
this man sued his wife for $120,000 for giving birth to ugly children, apparently she was an ugly girl who did a face lift and became beautiful now he said she deceived him guess genes cant lie,but can you really blame her,i know you don't plan love or who you  fall in love with but then again who said ugly people cant be in love too,who really cares?,who makes these rules?,as long as your happy right?,is really funny where some people find love,everyone deserves happiness,so who says a poor mechanic cant marry a doctor,or why a poor man cant marry a queen,even a dwarf got the right to marry a tall woman,is better we lived,loved and left,than being dead while we are still living,cos without love we are as good as dead,the love for money makes every man hustle,the love for Delilah killed Samson,and the love of God for us made him send Christ his son to die for us,so let love live,live free,stop the hating and be happy "Juliansaid" it and i hope you gon believe it.

Thursday, June 23, 2016


Ok is no secret that Iggy Azalea and Nick Young's relationship is sadly over,

he proposed to her around May or June 2015 but unfortunately Nick cheated and she had to find out through a little video that actually went viral so she called the whole thing off,after they've already made wedding plans,well that's not why am here,actually am here to talk about CHEATING",why do we cheat?,i mean Iggy is very gorgeous and successful,what else can a man ask for yet Nick cheated even when they are almost at the alter,which makes me realize that some people actually don't know when they got a good thing,insatiability is killing a lot of relationships today especially in our country nobody is loyal anymore,i mean your with a good guy who cares for you so much yet your still flirting with other guys claiming unless he has married you your still free to flirt,some guys now got the mentality that a girl doesn't belong to one guy unless she's married,but i wanna tell you if you cant stay faithful when your dating you can never be faithful after your married,sometimes we neglect the good person we got because we are looking for the better person and then we finally end up with the bad person because we couldn't make the right decisions,it wont hurt you to actually stay faithful unless your in a bad relationship,cos i believe if he or she cares for you,makes time for you,makes you laugh,stop searching,unless you ain't getting all these,so please lets stop the cheating,lets stop the lies cos if you can't open up to your partner then you have already failed,so stop hiding,so right now am gonna need you to look at your relationship a little bit check if the good times were bigger than the bad times,what are the things you've noticed that ain't right,try to talk about it together or meet a trained Councillor,don't quit yet, that's how a good home is built cos trust me the next person might be your doom,well think about it,i mean "Juliansaid" it i just hope you believe it.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Things you didn't know about Yoga.

You know those things you hear about yoga and how it helps both your physical and mental growth,well the stories are true and Yesterday the whole world celebrated YOGA,it was a wonderful day,well talking about yoga which can be translated to (Union),is an ancient practice that if perfected can help you attain good physical and mental health development.
But do you know that yoga can be really harmful?and can cause problems to your health,lets take a look;

  • Firstly Hatha; this form of yoga moves subtle energy or etheric energy upwards and to the sides this always interferes with body and health development.
  • Inverted posture; this can be very harmful,can cause serious neck injuries if done carelessly.
  • Tissue damage: yoga can cause soft tissue damage,if you stretch too much or bounces during yoga sessions you can be sure of soft tissue injuries.
  • Sometimes if you don't learn the poses correctly it can cause serious problems for you,so is good you've learnt well,try to ask enough questions before starting.
  • Addiction: yes yoga can be very addictive and can really be a problem,like drugs,some people can be addicted to it,in which case they may start feeling depressed, exhausted if they haven't done it,so be careful before you start.
But to be safe i would recommend the Restorative Yoga which is safer and can still achieve the same result,and also make sure you have a good trained yoga instructor to guide you every step of the way until you can achieve full development.actually that's what "Juliansaid".


Have you ever had this feeling that people really misjudge you, maybe because of the way you look or act,they start to think bad about you because of what they think,and no matter how you try to correct that impression is just not working,in countries like Nigeria in Africa most times young guys get arrested not because they did anything bad but because they looked like criminals,i have seen a preacher being neglected because he had tattoos on his body,people tune off the channel when they see him,
but if you really listen to him you will understand what he lived through and how he turned his life around ,and you may actually learn from him,i have seen people die of depression,alone and sad because no one wants to mingle with them.they said don't judge a book by its cover because what you see on the outside may be an illusion.
So ask yourself this;have you missed that good heavenly romance because you felt he didn't look responsible or you felt he looked like a player,or maybe you've let that good girl go because she looked like a street flirt,what you see doesn't necessarily have to be what you get,try to take your time to really know a person before you actually judge them,well actually that's what "Juliansaid".

The Bully.

Well i very much believe that kids can relate to this very much.
First of all we understand that a bully is a person who likes to intimidate others through brutal force,
This bullies likes to intimidate people who are lower to them both in age or maybe in body build,sometimes some people are bullied mentally in this case a small person can actually intimidate a big person by preying on their mind.
Kid today face a lot of bullying in their various schools in which the bully bullies them into giving them their food or money,sometimes these kids cant tell their parents or teachers because they are afraid the bully will beat them,but at the long run things may get out of hand in which somebody might get killed either the bully or the bullied,
People always blame the bully,but have you ever wondered that maybe is not their fault,even though there is no excuse for someone to bully another person,but sometimes some of these bullies face some psychological situations everyday,maybe at home,some of them get bullied by their parents that they think is only fair they redirect such anger to the people lower to them,some are kid who had psychiatric issues as a kid but was not detected until they grew with it.
At the same time grownups are not excluded from these bullies,for adults a bully can come at you as your boss in the office who always shouts at you all the time and trait-ins to fire you if you don't work better even when you work better they still shout at you and undermine your efforts.
So this means that even the bully gets bullied either at home or at work,so i think much awareness should be created to cob this cos i believe a lot of things are going wrong in the world today because of bullies,lots of war between countries happen because one country feels she is more superior than the other,cult clashes,lecturers in our universities result to bullying traits when they wanna interact with students,and so on,so i think parents should pay more attention to their kids school and Teachers also should make sure that they teach this kids how respect each other and live a good life,cos life would be better if we all could love and respect each other,lets encourage peace always.anyway that's what "Juliansaid" for now.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Mind of a psychopath.

Have you ever wondered if your friend is a psycho or maybe your boss or even how your neighbor behaves,well you might be right,but today am gonna work you through the little things you might notice about a psychopath.
  • First of all lets look at what a psychopath is,it is a person with chronic mental disorder these persons sometimes love violence,they find extreme joy in causing another person pain,sometimes 80% of people suffering from this condition doesn't even know they have issues,they are everywhere at your work place,in school,at home even in church.
  • One thing about a psycho is they will always come as a nice person but deep down they are snakes,(two faced),they will always make you feel comfortable, until you trust them enough then they can destroy your life.
  • They always believe they are smarter than everybody.
  • They are master of lies,they can tell any story just to deceive you.
  • They love to manipulate people.
  • They love to party and would want you to join them if not they may harm you.
  • They have no feelings or emotions,they don't even feel pain,or sympathy even though they can detect when a person is feeling pain but they cannot really feel it or relate.
  • They are very impulsive and irresponsible,can get angry easily which can result to violence.
  • They have short marriages,and will always blame other people for their failures.
  • And they very much bully people around them just to feel strong and in control.
So i know by now you've started to review your friends,check your siblings,check your wives or husbands,he might be your boyfriend or husband who beat you but you feel he still loves,well he may kill before you realize hes a psycho,or your girlfriend who claims she loves you but still flirts around with every guy,or maybe your child but you feel hes just a kid,well that's how it starts before they turn cold blooded,and most importantly check yourself cos you might be a psychopath but you don't know yet,is better to seek help now before you hurt someone you love.anyway hope this helped because that's what "Juliansaid".

Saturday, June 18, 2016

Child Abuse.

  • Children are suppose to be gifts from God,is expected that we care for them,but then again what i don't understand is how an adult will sexual abuse a child,is a clear case of a psychopathic patient,at least 75% of children in Africa are being molested daily,these children are too afraid to say anything,some of them are even molested by their parents,i have heard of a man who molested his daughter for 18years and she she even gave birth for him,parents should help their children and monitor who hang around them,check their teachers,your neighbors,even their uncles or aunties,if you notice anything suspicious confront them or even report them to the police,lets save these children today,cos they are the future of our tomorrow.

Taylor and Tom

  • After breaking up with Calvin Harris just few weeks Taylor swift was spotted kissing Tom Hiddleston on the the beach,Tom acted as Loki in the movie series Thor and Avengers,which makes us wonder if the two love birds have been meeting each other in secret even while she was still dating Harris,anyway that's not my biz,i just wish them a happy dating life, at least while it lasts.

5 Simple Relationship Tips.

  • COMMUNICATION: one thing that can cause a problem between couples is miss communication,  always tell your partner what you want or need,if he or she is doing something wrong endeavor to tell them on time and advice them on how they can change and live a better life.
  • NO SECRETS: one thing that can also cause a huge problem between lovers is secrets,when your partner finds out that you hide some important things from them they tend to react negatively,no matter how horrible you think the secret is,as long as you know you love your spouse just open up,they might react badly at first,but with time they will understand because no matter what you do love surpasses all.
  • CARE: sometimes we tend to forget ourselves and our responsibility to our spouse,maybe due to our work stress or distractions or maybe we feel we have more important things to do so we neglect each other,this is very wrong,always make your marriage a joyful as it was when you started,always make her laugh,always show him love,take her to the place you first met,let him know that he's the only one for you,spend a day together,let the love flourish.
  • PRAYER: some people don't understand how important prayer is,it can change things for you,it can bring peace in your home,after all its believed that a family that prays together will always stay and live together.
  • TRUST: this is most important of all,when you do the things that make your partner mistrust you it is very hard to get the trust back,maybe when you start hiding your phone from him or her,or when you start deleting your text from other people,or claim your from work when clearly you ain't,so be true to your spouse and things will be alright with you.
  • N/B:when you start hiding things from your partner know that you don't love them again so tell them early so you won't have to go behind them and cheat.That's what "Juliansaid" tho.

Friday, June 17, 2016

Julian Said: SEX

Julian Said: SEX: Sex!! young people always feel this big excitement when they hear this word,men can do anything to get it,women can give up anything for the...


Sex!! young people always feel this big excitement when they hear this word,men can do anything to get it,women can give up anything for the thrill,85% of guys hustling today is to get the girls and have sex,girls can betray anybody,just to get the money they are willing to sleep with any number of guys to have it,sex was initiated for married people for the sole purpose of procreation,but now it means nothing to us,no respect,no morals anymore,no faithfulness,guys keep count of girls they've slept and surprisingly girls are doing the same,no respect for their bodies or vagina,is hard to see a virgin now cos even the virgins hide because they don't want to be ridiculed by their peers,how can we cob this?,cos every one is a victim of this sex drive,men leave their wives,women cheat on their husbands,kid are now indulging in this,children are being molested,girls are being raped, don't get me started on our school lecturers,am pretty sure this wasn't Gods plan for sex to be careless-ed,for homes to be destroyed by it,by just that few minutes or seconds of pleasure which later can cause years of torment and entrapment.
Sex is a good thing but don't let it control you, don't let it destroy you,cos at the end when you look back is not really worth it,anyway that's what "Juliansaid".

Young Problems.

Africans can do anything demeaning for that green,any country you go to you must see a Nigerian,but who can you blame for this degrading endeavors,most certainly cant be the country,i think we can blame the schools because some African schools don't actually teach the students to be self sufficient in-case their is no job in sight after school,i believe our school system of teaching should change especially the government schools,stop being so engrossed in making the student learn only about other peoples work,why don't you teach them how they can create their own part,make it more practical,because sometimes when a student is through with schooling and no job and because they didn't learn how to be self sufficient positively they will choose the negative way,thereby destroying the good name of our country in the global world.
But then again its never too late to change our ways,think positive and good things will come to you,that bad thing may be rosy and all good for the moment but the end can be disastrous.
The government should also help to incorporate this good morals to our young people if not the future is really bleak.For now thats what "JuliansaiD".

Thursday, June 16, 2016


What insights worry?
maybe a bad situation or a good one,but sometimes we find ourselves worrying about everything around us,we worry about what to eat,what to say,what to feel,we even worry about our family,what will they eat,how can you cloth them,mothers worry a lot,about the children,about the husband,they husbands are not left out,your boss in the office worry you might not do your job well,you also worry he may fire you because your personal problems are affecting your work efficiency.
But do you know that every coin has two sides,night has day,light has darkness,sadness has laughter,the future has a past,you don't have to carry the burden alone,why don't you share it,maybe with your loved one or a true friend,you can also meet a trained psychologist,every problem has a solution you just have to chill down and see it,never let your worries eat you up,high blood pressure still kills so don't be a victim.for now that's what "Juliansaid".

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Sadness and loneliness

Loneliness is an inevitable emotion it can hit u when you least expect it like the moving away of a loved one or the disconnection of a long time relationship and this can lead to sadness and unplanned depression,but the only way to get over it, instead of wallowing in self pity thinking of the good times  why don't you go out! There and meet new people,is gonna change your life. ANYWAY that's what Julian said today.

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Muhammad Ali is dead
Cassius Marcellus Clay or as popularly known Muhammad Ali has passed away,for 32 years he has suffered from Parkinson,he died on Friday at a phoenix hospital where he was treated of respiratory complications, he died at 74.
Rest in peace the Greatest of all time we will greatly miss you.

Friday, June 3, 2016

When ever i see a picture like this, i am filled with rage, what kind of a monster will do this to his own wife,with what i heard she served the wrong meal to the husband and being a drunk he beat her to a pulp.
Everyday at-least 70% of women in the world are being molested raped by the people who claim to love them,so please anywhere you see this please alert the required authorities or she might die.
PLEASE LETS SAY NO TO DOMESTIC VIOLENCE TODAY.cos who knows God forbid it might be you.anyway that's what "JulianSaid".

Julian Said: What do you see when you look at this picture? a h...

Julian Said: What do you see when you look at this picture? a h...: What do you see when you look at this picture? a happy family or is it all fake,sometimes we are what we are and our life is what we make ...
What do you see when you look at this picture? a happy family or is it all fake,sometimes we are what we are and our life is what we make of it.
The secret to a happy family is just understanding and trust,make the effort to communicate with your spouse and your in for a happy married life.and thats what "JulianSaid".

Julian Said: what happens when we fall out of love,when we star...

Julian Said: what happens when we fall out of love,when we star...: what happens when we fall out of love,when we start seeing things that aren't there,when the glass shatters,we start arguing,start fi...

  • what happens when we fall out of love,when we start seeing things that aren't there,when the glass shatters,we start arguing,start fighting and the other person seems repulsive to us,but when we look around we find out that if we sit down and talk about it maybe seek help from a professional we can actually fall back to love again.well actually that's what "Julian Said".