Thursday, December 15, 2016

Cupid's Lamentations.

Love is dying,and it's our fault,we are all murderers.
Back in the old days,love was respected,feared and cherished.In the bible,"for God so loved the world,that he gave his only begotten son,to die for us,you can even see it in the story of Samson.first of all,we need to understand, the importance of love,

  • Love can make the strongest of men weak,and it can make the hardest of hearts melt,

  • Love can bring peace,both personally and also in the world,

  • And we must understand that love is a beautiful thing.

St Augustine said that "love is the beauty of the soul,and Ghandi said that "love is life",this means that,"love is a sacred communion",it doesn't,care about the color of your skin or the type of job you do,or if your rich or poor,love doesn't discriminate, it visits everyone at the right time. But today we have killed love,with our lies,and deceit,with our infatuations,these days,before we dabble into a relationship, we first consider what we can gain,but what about love?,is either sexual benefit or financial,but again,"what about love?.
Young bloods of today are killing love,we now choose who to love,girls being disloyal,sleeping around for finance,guys having multiple lovers,sex craved.
When are we gonna stop and realize, that we are not even living,when are we gonna stop the lust.
When you go to bed today,ask yourself, why your in that relationship, is it because your afraid of being alone,or for financial or physical security,or just for the sexual pleasure,ask yourself if your in it for just fun,and at the same time,just for a minute, consider love. Khalil Gibran said that "Life without love is like a Tree without blossoms or fruits. Remember,If we live only for the things we want,one day,we are going to loose site of the things we need. "Juliansaid"so,and I hope it makes common sense.

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